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For all
of seismic surveys


Clecore is a company specialized in scientific software.

It was founded in 2020 by Fabien Chêne, after working for a major equipment manufacturer of the seismic industry for 15 years, in charge of a seismic navigation software suite.

Clecore supplies Positron (aka e+), a multi-usage positioning software for seismic surveys.

It can be used for a wide variety of seismic surveys, ranging from the growing offshore wind farm business to the more recent carbon capture and storage (CCS) business, as well as the traditional oil and gas exploration.

The purpose of the software

is to position both hydrophones and sources used during the seismic acquisition. 

The resulting positioning data, combined with seismic data, are used by geologist to determine the conditions of the seafloor.

For example, the wind farm business and the CCS business are interested in knowing the condition of the seafloor at shallow depth, with a very high resolution in order to be able to both determine which location and type of the foundations are the more appropriate.

On the other hand, the oil and gas industry is more interested in a very wide range of depth at lower resolution, to determine typical structures favoring the presence of petroleum, gas, groundwater, minerals and so on.

« The First Full Software
for Wind Farms,
Carbon Capture & Storage,
Oil & Gas Seismic Exploration »


Positron Software



Positron is modular, it provides a format checker, a configuration viewer, a positioning engine, a flexible file export and a binning backend. No need to import the same files in different softwares.

Fast and Easy

Positron is easy to use and has a steep learning curve, all steps are very fast, especially the positioning, allowing for a good productivity.

Efficient Data Augmentation

Positron offers data augmentation, such as the use of direct arrivals. According to Upsilon, making use of it for Fugro, this is of invaluable interest and leads to unprecedented results.

Exclusive P1 Processing

Positron provides the P1 processing, a new method to refine a P1 already processed. Thus, when trying to improve P1 positions, it is no longer mandatory to restart from the P2, gaining productivity.

Choose your Package

Our Pricing Plans


40 Daily
  • Px/11 checker :
    format check for P1/11, P2/11, P6/11
  • Legacy formats checker :
    format check for P1/90, P2/94
  • File editor :
    smart edition of Px/11 and legacy formats
  • Configuration :
    graphical visualization and edition
  • Theoretical positioning :
    with error ellipses
  • Data analysis :
    detection of data anomalies and statistics
Most Popular


90 Daily
  • Silver Package included, and :
  • Data filtering :
    gating, filtering, interpolation of data
  • P2 processing (P2 → P1) :
    positioning by least square, QC, export
  • P1 comparison :
    heat maps, ghost view


120 Daily
  • Gold Package included, and :​
  • P1 processing (P1 → P1) :
    positioning by least square, QC, export
  • Data augmentation with direct arrivals :
    for both P2 processing and P1 processing


Thank you for your interest

For information and requirements about CLECORE Positron Software.
Please contact us by mail.

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